
Moving the Enemy

We all hope and want to believe that we are walking in the love that God has called us to. But often the truth becomes evident in the way we treat our enemies. Let’s take Elisha’s example and Move our Enemies with Love!

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Money. Management.

The reality is that Sowing and Reaping is not a kind suggestion, it’s a law spoken and enforced by God Himself. “What a man sows, that is what he will reap.” The choice is yours to believe Him or not. But regardless, the law still forever stands.

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Stay Thirsty my Friend

If you’ve ever walked up to a water fountain while thirsty, and the fountain didn’t work, I bet you were disappointed and decided to quench your thirst elsewhere… We have been given the Water of Life. We are fountains that have the ability to quench even the most severe thirst. Don’t be a broken water fountain. Don’t deny those who are thirsty for life.

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Forward Spiritual Progress

In the Kingdom of God progress comes by how well we hear and yield to what the Holy Spirit is speaking to us personally. Our Spiritual advancement is His work, at His time, which is always perfect!

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Strength that Flows

Strength has been distributed from God into those who know where to find it. The Kingdom is within you. Seek Him and you will find… Strength That Flows!

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